Monday, May 31, 2010

May 30, 2010

Had a very busy day today. First Caitlyn and I went for a walk around town to see if we could spot any new areas for poses. We found old buildings.
Then later on in the day, we all decided to go for a walk in the country. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Some nature photos -- 5/17/10

Enjoying the warm weather

Caitlyn enjoying the view


Typical kid playing in the mud puddle.

♥Horses! Horses! Horses! ♥

© Photography by LAL
Please do not take any of these photos without permission

My daughter Isabel feeding the bay mare some tall green grass. She loved it.

There just something about a horses eye that I find so beautiful and intriguing.

Black gelding

My daughter, Caitlyn, feeding the sorrel mare.

Soft like velvet