Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm really booking up FAST!

Sunday, I have a photo session in Tunnel City. Then on Monday, Weds, Thursday and Friday I have photo sessions here in town.

Isabel 2 | Children

Took new photos of Isabel. :) She really wanted me to. She's becoming quite the model.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photo Session With McKenzie

Introducing to the world.. McKenzie Ann Marie. ♥
She was born on October 12, 2010, weighing 5# 13 oz. & measured 19.25 inches.

She was so much fun to photograph, because she was so interested in her surroundings. :)
Wonderful sweet baby. ♥

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Photo session with the almost 2 week old little girl has been rescheduled for tomorrow. :)

Looking forward to it!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Have another portrait session with a young baby. Almost 2 week old baby girl named McKenzie. :)
I look forward to Sunday.
Marissa wanted me to take some quick photos of her for her new Facebook. Leave me comments. I LOVE COMMENTS!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Missing The Country Life

In Sparta yesterday, so we decided to take some photos in a new area. Not bad, huh? ;)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Meet Karson Christopher

This is Karson. He's 5 weeks old. Isn't he a cutie?
He wasn't himself today, his mom said, so we had to cut the session short. Hoping to do some more of him later this month or early next month. :)

