Thursday, May 31, 2012

Doing The Happy Dance

Took the "bad" memory card to Walmart today, praying that their photo makers would read the memory card. And much to my surprise it worked.  I could see all of my car show images.    I LOVE all areas of photography, and older model cars has always been an interest of mine.   So when I saw the chance to take some photos at a local car show in my city, I jumped on the chance. :)

Here are a few of MY favorites. :)

My youngest daughter checking it out

Just Call Me Grams

Have I said how excited I am to be a grandma?   Those of you who know me and are on my private FB page, know that I'm ecstatic!  I just can't shut up about it. haha!   I can't wait to hold him, cuddle with him, and just spoil him rotten.

Isn't it funny how fast time goes?   Just seems like yesterday that she and her husband told me that she was pregnant.  She was in her 7th week.   And I kept thinking about how I couldn't wait for my grandchild to actually develop into a recognizable "baby".  I followed the development week by week.  Can you say? Crazy?  (LOL)   Yes!  I was so excited, and I just couldn't hide it.  You'd think I was the one pregnant.  But my FIRST grand baby?   That's too much excitement.  I swear the first few days, I had a hard time sleeping thinking about it.  I've wanted it for the last 2 years.   If you're younger than 40, then you won't understand the whole "GRAMS" aspect yet. lol

Just 3 months to go.  I can't wait to take some original pictures of him and his beach loving parents! :D  
Hopefully the next 3 months go by fast, but not too fast.   I want to enjoy summer, and all it has to offer before fall sets in.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Comanche:: A Look Into The Future?

Meet Comanche.  He was my sisters horse a LONG time ago. I was 14 when I took this photograph.    I haven't edited it, enhanced it...   Even back then I had an EYE for photography.   I wish that I would've recognized my talent back then and done something MORE to enrich it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sad day for me

After trying to get my camera to work for 2 days, and talking to some pro photographers as well as camera nerds, it has officially died to the point where I can't afford to repair it or get a new one.  :(

I listed all of my props on my FB page, except for a couple that I will keep for Blayne, my grandson.
I sold almost all of them.  :( :(

SO upsetting, and not fair.  But then... when is life ever fair?   At least to those who are honest.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Car Show - The photos what?

I spent over an hour at the car show today, only to come home and NOT have my memory card working to have the images uploaded.   I tried different recovery programs.  Will try to take the memory card out to Walmart and have the photos put on a disc.  Hopefully it works, if not, it's a total loss. :(

Friday, May 25, 2012

Saying... GOOD BYE

I've known Sherrye and Dany for almost 6 years now.  Hard to believe that they're moving to TX.
These are just some of the photos that I took at their good bye party with my point and shoot.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Storm clouds outside my house in Tomah, WI

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dany | DANCE!

Dany wanted me to take some photos of her in her dance costume that she wore for her recital yesterday.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is That A Mohawk?

A baby black bird that I ran into today.  Isn't he so sweet?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

No Words To Describe Today... Just ... INCREDIBLE

Saw my son, Ryan, today for the first time in 8 years and 2 months.   Such a wonderful feeling, that I can't EVEN describe.  I wept tears of joy, when I hugged him.   It brought me back to the day that I said "good bye" on March 3, 2004. :(

I took many photos today of our "Family Reunion", but the one below is my favorite.  It was just us, no other family could be there.  This was a BIG step for Ryan, and we didn't want to bombard and overwhelm him with so many people.  We're hoping to see him again SOON!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Hope! Such a strong word!

Hoping to be back in business by July. :)  HOPE HOPE HOPE  
Having some Internet issues.  Hoping to have them all resolved by July.  Maybe by June?  We'll see.

"But with God, all things are possible".

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One word... YUMMY!

My bestie and her sister, took me and Isabel out for custard today.  And I must say... this is the FIRST time that I've ever tried Culver's custard, and it was beyond AMAZING!  
Helpful hint:   The Oreo Cheese cake is off the hook!!  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blayne... Blayne.... Can't wait to meet you

Today, my daughter is 24 weeks pregnant, so she's in her six month.  Can't believe it's gone THIS fast already. 
I remember when she first told me in January that she was in her 7th week.  And I thought to myself, this is going to be a long pregnancy for me to watch, instead of going through it. lol.    She has this tiny cute tummy right now.    I cannot wait to finally meet him. Get to hold him, and love him up.


My version of the Super Moon.   Not the greatest, but not bad either. 
It was so beautiful!! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Changes Again

Making some HUGE changes with the business, until I can get the equipment I need. 

Click on the link before, request a friend add, and see what these new changes are. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012