Sunday, October 14, 2012

Common Sense Is Officially GONE....

So... I deactivated my Facebook business page, so that I could work on it, make some changes, etc, without having all of my changes show up and bombarding people's news feeds.     Apparently, a CLIENT that just hired me was trying to reach me about a photo session that we were supposed to have tomorrow.   Instead of CALLING me,  she posts on a sales page for my town that has over 4,000 members, mentioning my name, and how she can't get a hold of me and that my page wasn't there anymore, and just going on and on, RUINING my good name.   >:(    I was about to private message her, and tell her nicely to delete her post, when a so called "friend" of mine LINKED my name to the post so that everyone knew that it was ME.  Drawing MORE attention to me.  >:(     What was so hard about picking up the phone and calling me.   She has my phone number!    And then another person has the nerve to link another photographers name on the post?!  The SAME photographer who asked my client to replace ME with HER!!

I am NOT cut out to deal with people like this anymore.  I have enough issues with my health, and my child's health, without having to deal with these kinds of people. I don't get PAID enough to deal with these kinds of people.

To the people who just can't seem to stop being jerks...  (And you KNOW who you are)  Just remember... What comes around... goes around!!!

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